Superfan Special

~~~Are you an avid reader of fiction (at least 6 books a year)?
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~~~Would you like to save $1.50 (if eBook is $4.99 or less) or $2.00 (if eBook is $5.99 or more) on every one of our books listed on these pages (big chunk of our Catalog) that you purchase at Amazon US, in exchange for, upon completing reading the book, posting your honest, heartfelt review at Amazon? (NOTE: You can also use the coupon for paperbacks, if that’s your preference.)
~~~Would you like to be able to do this on the book(s) of your choice from those listed below?
~~~Well then… here’s how it works:
1. Send us an email at, from the same email address you use on your Amazon account, with this subject line: I’m a Superfan.
2. In the body of the email, indicate the book title and author for which you’d like the coupon.
3. We’ll arrange the coupon for you, which Amazon will send you.
4. Once you post your review of that book at Amazon, you can contact us for another book coupon. There’s no top-end limit, but one at a time, please.