Pedaling West

Pedaling West

It will be the adventure of a lifetime for Carrie Brinkley... if she makes it to the end alive.

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  • GOLD MEDAL: Readers’ Favorite Book Awards - 2023 - Fiction - Crime
  • OVERALL WINNER: Firebird Book Awards - Fiction
  • WINNER: Literary Titan Book Awards - Gold Medal
  • WINNER: Pinnacle Book Achievement Award, Winter 2023 – Best Adventure Fiction
  • WINNER: Reader's House (London) – Editor's Choice 2024 – Award for Literary Excellence

When Carrie loses her job and boyfriend during the opening weeks of the pandemic, she’s determined to reset her life in a positive direction. The answer? A solo, two-month, cross-country bicycle trip from Virginia Beach to Mendocino, California.

Yet dangers lurk that she’d never anticipated. During Carrie’s idyllic journey across the continent, her greatest danger comes not from her encounters with angry animals, road hazards, or the elements. Something much worse stalks her—something much too human.

***The 5-Star, raving, and glowing reviews are really piling up. Check out the "Endorsements" below.***

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Readers' Favorite - Gold Medal


Readers’ Favorite Book Award 2023 –
Gold Medal: Fiction – Crime



Firebird Book Awards – Fiction



Literary Titan Book Awards –
Gold Medal


Pinnacle Book Achievement Award


Pinnacle Book Achievement Award –
Winter 2023 – Best Adventure Fiction



Reader’s House of London – Editor’s Choice 2024 –
Award of Literary Excellence




Perfect Bound / Softcover:

ISBN: 1622533607
ISBN-13: 978-1-62253-360-2
6.14 x 9.21 x 0.5626 (0.854 Lbs)
248 Pages (30/carton, but you can order in any quantity from 1 up)
List Price: $18.95


To order an $18.95 paperback (we’ll add $5 for shipping & handling) AUTOGRAPHED BY THE AUTHOR, please click on the Buy Now button, and use PayPal or a major credit card.



E.A. Coe – Author
Lane Diamond – Editor & Interior Designer
Kris Norris – Cover Artist
Sally Barron – Audiobook Producer/Narrator

Series: by E. A. Coe, Book 1
Genres: 5.99 eBooks, Adventure, Crime, Literary, Thriller / Suspense, Women's
Tags: Audiobook, Autographed Paperback, eBook, Paperback, Spotify, Superfan Special
Publisher: Evolved Publishing
Publication Year: 2023
Format: Paperback, eBook, Audiobook
Length: 83,974 Words
Narrator: Sally Barron
ISBN: 9781622533602

List Price: $18.95 Paperback (May Be Discounted By Retailers)
eBook Price: $5.99
Audiobook Price: $14.95 Audiobook List Price (May Be Adjusted By Retailers)

Pedaling West may sound like a biking travelogue, but it’s a work of fiction and intrigue that will delight readers looking for stories of growth and problem solving in which bicycling is the backdrop, not the focus. In many ways, Pedaling West is neither fish nor fowl. More than a travelogue or a coming-of-age story, it also profiles intrigue and mystery along the routes Carrie takes into the wider world. Special Agent Douglas Hill pursues attempted murderer Norman Sloan through the story as Carrie unwittingly rides into danger and becomes part of a bigger situation than she ever could have imagined.

“Thriller readers will appreciate the intrigue and suspense that follows Carrie into these milieus; travel or bicyclist enthusiasts who anticipate an encounter with ordinary Americans will appreciate the extraordinary circumstances that force Carrie to adopt surprising positions of strength; and fans of novels that pair disparate elements of intrigue and growth will find her story compelling, riveting, and hard to put down.

“Libraries seeking contemporary novels that explore American identity, society, and the violence that often accompanies birth and growth will find much to relish during the course of Carrie's bicycle adventure and accompanying emotional roller coaster of emotions in Pedaling West.”

– Midwest Book Review, D. Donovan, Sr. Reviewer

“Carrie Brinkley’s titular cross-country bike trek in E. A. Coe’s Pedaling West is a multi-layered metaphor for the journey we all face, regardless of age, heritage, or gender, when life blindsides us, sideswipes us, redirects us in often terrifying ways, or just plain disappoints us. As we vicariously follow our heroine’s journey through some of the most inspiring (and vividly described) scenery on earth, Carrie’s spirit melds itself with our own, and we find ourselves considering personal growth odysseys that would never otherwise cross our minds – we surprise ourselves, even as Carrie is making surprising discoveries about her own life and strengths.

“In our increasingly complex world, simply surviving becomes more challenging every day, and so is the task of writing anything that is truly universal. E. A. Coe has excelled himself in this regard with Pedaling West. This wonderful book has it all – good guys; bad guys; road hazards; ups and downs; loving relationships (and the possibility of a few new ones); solid family values; real wisdom; intrigue; plot twists; a surprise ending; and, perhaps most surprisingly, one of the most detailed and breathtaking armchair tours of America ever to have existed in print. You will experience every mile of Carrie’s odyssey with the same sense of wonder and awe as Carrie herself, all against a backdrop of quick-moving events and indelible characters. What’s not to love? Pedaling West is the masterful work of a writer at the top of his game, and still growing.”

– Rich Follett – Teacher, Actor, Singer/Songwriter, Poet, Author

“There exists within Coe’s writing an ideal amount of intrigue and mystery. It is difficult to peg Pedaling West as part of any one genre—it contains all the best parts of several... We won’t soon tire of reading about the many ways COVID has impacted our world, and E. A. Coe has gifted readers with a fantastic version of events in one neat package. I highly recommend Coe’s work to any mystery fan who appreciates a novel grounded in current events and is driven by a strong female main character.”

– Literary Titan (Gold Medal)

“In Pedaling West by E. A. Coe, readers embark on a gripping journey alongside protagonist Carrie Brinkley as she pedals her way from Virginia Beach to Mendocino, California, in a quest for self-discovery amidst the backdrop of a tumultuous pandemic landscape. Coe, crafts a narrative that seamlessly blends elements of adventure, suspense, and coming-of-age themes.

“Carrie’s decision to embark on a cross-country bicycle trip serves as a metaphorical reset button for her life, offering both physical challenges and moments of profound introspection. As she navigates the diverse landscapes of the United States, encountering both the beauty of nature and the perils of human nature, readers are drawn into a tale that transcends mere travelogue.

“The narrative takes unexpected twists and turns as Carrie finds herself unwittingly entangled in a web of danger, pursued by a shadowy threat that adds a palpable sense of suspense to her journey. Alongside her, a veteran FBI agent with his own demons to confront provides a compelling counterbalance, their evolving dynamic driving the plot forward with tension and intrigue.

“What sets Pedaling West apart is Coe’s skillful blend of genres, seamlessly weaving together elements of thriller, adventure, and character-driven drama. Through Carrie’s eyes, readers witness not only the physical challenges of her journey but also her inner transformation, as she confronts adversity and discovers her own resilience.

Pedaling West is a captivating read that offers a unique blend of adventure and suspense, underscored by themes of resilience and self-discovery. Coe’s masterful storytelling and rich character development make this novel a compelling addition to the literary landscape. Whether you’re a fan of thrillers, coming-of-age tales, or epic adventures, this book is sure to leave a lasting impression..”

“E. A. Coe’s Pedaling West is an action- and suspense-packed coming-of-age story about Carrie, a young woman who has had the perfect but sheltered life with her parents and her job. She suddenly loses everything and the events force her to go out and discover who she is. A story about perseverance, endurance, and inner strength, [sic ]packed with emotional highs and lows. Coe’s writing is so vivid and descriptive that I found myself squeezing my imaginary bike brakes when I got to parts in the story where Carrie had near accidents. Coe’s characters are ingeniously written. All the characters were carefully thought out and meticulously executed. I especially enjoyed how Coe added himself to the story at the end. It was kind of a reference to how Stan Lee always put himself in his movies as an extra. I found it humorous and a refreshing way to end the story. Each stop during the long trek taught Carrie something new about herself and her abilities just as, in life, our experiences should teach us something and make us better. I thoroughly enjoyed reading Pedaling West and I look forward to reading more of this author’s works.”

Pedaling West by E. A. Coe is a masterpiece of literary suspense... an amazing story that feels almost like a true story. It’s steady but full of suspense with a unique plot filled with action. There are plenty of twists and turns and a few surprises along the way in a tale of courage, fear, and new beginnings. Maybe we should all take a leaf out of Carrie’s book when things go wrong by forging new paths in our lives despite the dangers on the path. The characters are well-developed, especially the main one, and she meets several well-rounded individuals along her journey, each with their own stories to tell, and each likable in their own way. This is a well-written story, which is thoroughly researched and engaging. Highly recommended for anyone who likes a good story of suspense and intrigue.”

“E. A. Coe is an excellent writer and had my attention from the start. Pedaling West exceeded my expectations and I was in for a rollercoaster ride with many twists and turns. I never knew what to expect next. It was full of action, and I just kept turning the pages. No way was I going to put the book down before I had finished. The characters were authentic and could be anyone I knew. Carrie could never make a speech previously but is now comfortable with this. During her journey, she became much stronger and more confident. The friendliness of small communities and their care for each other are excellently portrayed. I could feel it just by reading the story. The conclusion to the story was fantastic and, for me, it couldn’t have ended better.”

Pedaling West is a murder mystery tale with a strong cycling background that produces a strong adrenaline rush. Carrie is a deeply-drawn character because her tour on wheels makes her a strong focus of the narrative so you get to know her up close and personal. E.A. Coe provides a solid reason why his protagonist goes cycling across America. Carrie not only does it for the natural high but also to clear her head from the misfortunes that suddenly befell her. And yes, cycling is therapeutic, as any person who rides a bike will tell you. The unfolding of events gives the story depth and makes Coe’s story an expert and spellbinding adventure. It has a strong action and mystery formula that is brought to life by its imaginative twist. It’s a must-read.”

“E. A. Coe’s Pedaling West is just what you should be looking for if you love mystery novels laced with a gripping tale of deceit, love, betrayal, crime, murder, money, suspense, adventure, and much more. Coe hatches an intriguing plot, featuring ingenious plot twists. He packs the storyline with background details on the cast and the plot but just enough not to bog down the pace of the story. The vivid depictions bring the scenes and characters to life. One moment I was in Norman’s bedroom listening to his weird conversations with his girlfriend Silky. The next moment I was watching in horror as Damien, Silky’s brother, ruthlessly went about his sister’s errands. Then came the scenic views as I joined Carrie cycling on the road. I found the complex traits of the well-crafted cast exciting, enthralling, and authentic. This, coupled with his use of introspection, made it easy for me to connect with them. I loved Pedaling West and I’m looking forward to reading more of Coe’s work.”

“Keeping the tension boiling as we interact with what is great about America, E. A. Coe breaks us out of our comfortable shell of complacency with Carrie, the rider, finding friends and support in unexpected places and challenges... Like Carrie’s ride, Pedaling West is a wonderful story to be experienced as well as shared. I whole-heartedly recommend it.”

– Brandon Currence, Author of ‘The Maine Consecration’

“You know you have a great story on your hands when you resist putting the book down, when you say, ‘Just one more chapter...’ three or four times per sitting. Pedaling West is such a book... There are characters you’ll root for and others you’ll root against as you race to the end of Pedaling West. Front to back, east to west, readers will relish this one-of-a-kind story.”

– Cortney Donelson, Author of ‘The Billionaire’s List’

“Of course, E.A. Coe pens novels with strong, inspiring female characters, and this one is no exception... As a reader, you discover along with Carrie the beauty of our country—both the physical beauty of the terrain as well as the beauty of the human soul as she realizes that with our myriad differences, we are all bound by one significant commonality: our humanity... This book will keep you invested with its high-stakes story, descriptions of majestic vistas and interesting tidbits of history, and peeks into the inner workings of the human heart, leaving you wishing you knew each of the distinctive, well-rounded characters personally, that you had time for a cross-country trip, and with a desire to embark on your own journey of self-discovery.”

– Katherine Turner, Author of ‘Resilience’

Pedaling West is the author’s best book yet, and as one of his devoted fans, I have enjoyed watching his storytelling skills shine and mature over the last few years as his writing experience, credentials and literary recognition have been on an upward trajectory.”

– Elizabeth H. Cottrell, Author of ‘Heartspoken’
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