BEST PRICE eBOOKS – The Holocaust Engine

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THE HOLOCAUST ENGINE (eBook to be Emailed)

Book 1 of “The Holocaust Engine” Series

The armies of hell are loosed upon paradise, and nothing can stand in their path.

  • WINNER: Pinnacle Book Achievement Award – Best Science Fiction

“…a chilling community horror adventure like no other, and one which leaves you with a lump in your throat throughout. …one of the most interesting and original virus-style thriller novels I’ve read in a long while.” ~ Readers’ Favorite Book Reviews, K.C. Finn (5 STARS)

“This is a well-crafted horror story with memorable characters and an unusual plot. The Holocaust Engine is a fun and quick read, thanks to the beauty of language and the authors’ gift for storytelling and plot.” ~ Readers’ Favorite Book Reviews, Jose Cornelio (5 STARS)

It begins with disease…

A brain-rotting virus, which leaves its victims disoriented and hyper-violent, rages out of Cuba into the Florida Keys. The bewildered government destroys the mainland bridge and places the islands under quarantine. Inside this cordon, the population descends into chaos, as rival factions battle over dwindling resources, buildings become fortresses, boats lash together as defensible islands, and whole neighborhoods wall off into armed camps.

As order slips beyond any chance of recovery, hopelessness reigns. But not everyone accepts this fate.

“…I was pulled in right from the beginning. …The writing is polished and it flows with an unusual fluidity and crispness. …The theme of survival is central in this narrative and while it features scenes that are crafted for fans of horror, I was so taken by the keen exploration of human nature. The characters are real, the pacing is fast, and the plot is a twisty one.” ~ Readers’ Favorite Book Reviews, Romuald Dzemo (5 STARS)