The Maker of Worlds

The Maker of Worlds

If you had the chance to remake the world, what kind of world would you choose?

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  • WINNER: Pinnacle Book Achievement Award - Best Fantasy (Summer 2024)

When tragedy strikes Lucas Mack’s young life, he desperately yearns to escape its sorrow, and takes an improbable leap through the mythical maelstrom. Rather than splashing down on the far side like his neighbors, he’s transported to a magical realm where he has the power to redefine not only who he is, but the world in which he resides.

As he stumbles about trying to find his way, he meets Mia, an equally troubled fellow pilgrim. With the help of a mystical guide and an aging wizard, they navigate the enchanted land while learning to control their newfound powers. Yet this realm is more complex than they expected, with seasoned sorcerers who’ve been corrupted by the sinister side of magic.

Limited by natural law and seduced by magic’s power, they are tested as never before. Will the gift of magic bring renewed hope or drive them to the edge of the void?

More Information

David Litwack sits down to an Interview at Feathered Quill.

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NOTE: 23 May 2024 – We hope to contract a narrator to produce the audiobook soon. Please stay tuned to this page for updates.



Pinnacle Book Achievement Award


Pinnacle Book Achievement Award –
Summer 2024 – Best Fantasy




Perfect Bound / Softcover:

ISBN-13: 979-8-89025-043-8
6.14 x 9.21 x 0.5020 (0.762 Lbs)
220 Pages (32/carton)
(You can order in any quantity from 1 up.)
List Price: $19.95


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David Litwack – Author
Lane Diamond – Editor & Interior Designer
Kris Norris – Cover Artist

Author: David Litwack
Genres: 4.99 eBooks, Fantasy > General, Fantasy > Young Adult, Magical Realism
Tags: eBook, New Release, Paperback, Superfan Special
Publisher: Evolved Publishing
Publication Year: 2024
Format: Paperback, eBook, Audiobook
Length: 59,880 Words
Narrator: Coming Soon
ISBN: 9798890250414
List Price: $19.95 Paperback List Price (May Be Adjusted By Retailers)
eBook Price: $4.99
Audiobook Price: Audiobook Coming Soon

"In this fantasy novel, Litwack has created a magical realm that those who are feeling adrift may wish to find themselves falling into. The idea of the Borderlands, in which people may play with magic to test and explore their newfound abilities, is a fascinating one. While both Mia and Lucas continue to develop their abilities throughout the course of the novel, the author adds depth to their characterizations by not having them use magic for everything—they’re still willing to put in manual labor and sweat to achieve a goal. Readers will get out of this book what they want to find; the narrative can be read as some grand metaphor about power corrupting if not used wisely, or just as easily as a fun fantasy frolic through a fantastical world. Whatever readers hope to get out of the story, the triumph of good over evil and the uplifting conclusion will leave them with a warm feeling in the end.

"An original and heartwarming fantasy that will leave readers pining for their own enchanted worlds."

"Litwack's The Maker of Worlds is a fantasy adventure that immerses the reader in a vivid magical realm, where the protagonists' growth and transformation mirror the larger struggle between light and darkness, hope and despair. Litwack's novel excels at exploring the corrupting nature of power and the sacrifices required to wield it. The breakneck pacing and vivid action sequences keep the pages turning, while the world-building immerses readers in a realm where the line between reality and fantasy blurs. Yet, the story's true strength lies in its examination of the human condition, as Lucas and Mia grapple with questions of purpose, loss, and the true meaning of hope.

"What sets The Maker of Worlds apart is the author's balancing act between the grand, sweeping scope of the fantasy genre and the relatable and deeply personal struggles of the protagonists. Readers will be left pondering how far they would go to remake the world in their own image, and whether the price of such ambition is too high to bear."

Quill says: "A thought-provoking fantasy adventure that examines the pitfalls of absolute power, The Maker of Worlds is a must-read for fans of immersive, character-driven fantasy."

"The Maker of Worlds by David Litwack is a captivating and thought-provoking novel that explores the themes of identity, purpose, and the power to shape one’s destiny. While the setting transports readers to a magical world, the protagonist's journey is filled with lessons on growth and responsibility. The relationships are skillfully written, from Lucas’ connection to Addy to his newfound companion in the magical realm. The first-person narrative voice sparkles with authenticity as it pulls the reader into Lucas’s viewpoint. Lucas is a complex and relatable protagonist whose inner turmoil and emotional struggles are skillfully conveyed through his thoughts and actions. The plot is engaging and unpredictable, with unexpected twists that keep the reader guessing. The vivid world-building creates an immersive read, and the unique magic system is fascinating and unsettling. The Maker of Worlds by David Litwack gives readers a feeling of walking in a dream. It is delightful and suspenseful."
"Author David Litwack utilizes his keen eye for atmosphere to craft an enchanting and thought-provoking exploration of the power of imagination and the consequences of wielding it. I found myself immediately drawn into the richly detailed fantasy world that was filled with multisensory descriptions, inviting readers to ponder the possibilities of reshaping reality whilst also feeling completely immersed in it. Lucas and Mia's journey is fraught with challenges and temptations that move at a great pace, with themes of identity, morality, and the pursuit of meaning bubbling away in the background and suddenly coming forward with brilliant poignancy at just the right time. Litwack's prose is both lyrical and evocative, painting a vivid portrait of a world where dreams and reality intertwine, and offering a close, emotive narrative viewpoint that touches readers’ hearts. Overall, The Maker of Worlds is a mesmerizing tale that leaves a lasting impression, and it is sure to entice fans of YA fantasy, both young and young at heart."
"Litwack's The Maker of Worlds is an enchanting novel that transports readers to a mystical realm and blurs the boundaries between reality and fiction. The idea of a maelstrom serving as a portal into an alternate world sets an excellent premise for a fantasy adventure. The title fittingly captures the central plot - the protagonist's ability to shape and create his own reality through the power of imagination. Litwack effectively uses descriptive language to weave fantastical elements into seemingly everyday settings without making them jarring or unnatural. This vivid imagery brings the world to life, making the reader feel immersed in Lucas's journey. The characters are well-developed, each serving as a mirror reflecting different facets of the human condition. One of the most compelling aspects is the exploration of what magic really is. Litwack delves into the seductive nature of magic and the resulting consequences. He poses very profound questions as to what magic can do to the individual and the wider community. The fight against the antagonist is, therefore, not just a means to move the story to a climax but provides a vehicle for exploring the complexities of good and evil and responsibility and action. Readers who enjoy fantasy will like the detailed creation of the world and the magic within it. Overall, The Maker of Worlds is a well-written fantasy that will resonate with readers who enjoy richly detailed worlds, complex and thoughtful characters, and profound questions."
"Magnificent world-building highlights David Litwack's epic fantasy offering. With its unique setting wherein a bland desert-like planet takes form from the inner workings of the principal character's mind, The Maker of Worlds is a distinctive adventure that perfectly captures the essence of what a fantasy narrative ought to feel like. This adventure has the unique feel of a story within a story, where the reader can alter the outcome with each page turn, thanks to the storytelling technique. The use of flashbacks to explain the cause of Lucas' and Mia's grief and connect it to why they find it difficult to establish themselves in this new world, despite their limitless power, demonstrates remarkable character development. Litwack uses rich dialogue between the main characters to ask readers important questions about right and wrong, as seen from the principal characters' perspective. Litwack emphasizes balanced storytelling with the adventure's combative aspects complementing the masterfully crafted romantic subplot between Luca and Mia. Adventure and fantasy genre purists will enjoy this one-of-a-kind novel."
"David Litwack's novel has finely accomplished world-building, with richly detailed descriptions of the landscape where Lucas finds himself. The author's use of sensory details—the feel of the water, the sound of the birdsong, the smell of pine needles—effectively immerses the reader in this new world. The character development is also noteworthy. Lucas's inner turmoil and emotional struggles are fully drawn, making it easy to empathize with his plight. His relationships with Addy and others are also well-portrayed. The lyrical writing is a delight in itself. The Maker of Worlds features exciting characters and develops themes of loss and starting anew. At the heart of the story is the idea that we have the power to shape our destiny, stop living on the margin, and embrace the tide of change that leads to magical places."
"David Litwack's The Maker of Worlds is a compelling novel with deep meaning, thrilling adventures, and a philosophical twist. The author explores such themes as responsibility that comes with increased abilities, ethical treatment of those around us, and the evil nature of tyranny. Litwack's writing style is eloquent and clear. Lyra explains to Lucas and Mia: 'Hope and meaning are not the stuff of magic. You cannot conjure hope. You cannot summon meaning.' While speaking about our moral choices, the author completely avoids a moralistic tone. The novel is positive and inspirational. It has prominent world-building, striking imagery, and engaging character development. Among the many profound characters, the healer impressed me the most with his kindness and unorthodox views. The novel sends a powerful message, and I cannot recommend it highly enough."
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