First, this is really aimed at our readers, but I think aspiring authors will also find it informative. At Evolved Publishing (EP), we have a motto: “Quality is Priority #1!” We often joke that it isn’t just a slogan, but practically our religion. In fact, that’s not such a joke, as we take it more seriously than you may know.

At our inception in August 2011, I never imagined we’d be that publisher (or agent on behalf of publishers) who rejected 95-99% of submissions. I always thought that was rather lazy on their part, that they weren’t giving authors a fair shake. In the last 7 years, my thinking has changed a bit on that score. I still think they’re overly tight and not terribly fair, but I also think I understand why: frustration.

At one point (I think in 2012-2013), I rejected 157 consecutive submissions. Man, that was sooooooooo frustrating, and a bit heartbreaking. In our first 4 years after forming, we rejected approximately 97% of submissions. So yeah… we did, in fact, become that publisher—not because we wanted it that way, but because we were determined to maintain the highest possible standards.

Nowadays, I can happily report that we’re only rejecting about 80-85% of submissions—still high, but a little better. Two things have happened: 1) we receive fewer submissions, and; 2) the overall quality of those submissions is higher. I view these as extremely positive developments. Perhaps word got out to authors out there that EP is tough! That’s okay. In fact, that’s perfect.

The end result? Ah, well, this is what it’s all about. The end result is a great team of creative professionals, producing well-polished, engaging, intriguing, highly entertaining books for our readers. If you look at our average reviews at sites like Amazon, you’ll see evidence of that. You should also take a look at some of the awards we’ve won, which you can find here: https://evolvedpub.com/awards-won/.

And let’s talk a little about those awards…. I think it’s important because, these days, one can grab an “award” from just about anywhere. Many of them, frankly, aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on. We try to focus our attention only on those awards sites that carry a reputable brand. Yes, at EP, we’re all about brand reputation. And so, we know from some of these awards sites that, depending on genres and seasons, they award anywhere from 2% to as many as 10% of submissions. Despite those tough, low numbers, we’re enjoying a 50% to 80% success rate at the very same sites. We’re WAY above the curve.

Additionally, when we submit to review sites like Publishers Weekly, Kirkus, Midwest Book Review, Readers’ Favorite, and others, we invariably receive a great review.

Why is that? Well, I refer you to the first three paragraphs of this post, but to recap…. We’re very (I usually hate that word) discerning about the authors we bring on board. Then, we employ editorial guidelines that are second to none, in my opinion, to bring to you a highly polished, most professional product.

You work hard for your money, and whether you’re paying $0.99 for an eBook or $29.95 for a top-notch hardcover, you deserve a great value. We give it to you. That’s our promise, and that will never change.


We have some talented new authors who’ve joined the EP Team in recent months, and whose work you’ll be able to enjoy soon (or whose books recently released). We hope you’ll embrace each of these (alphabetical by last name, with first books releasing 2018 or 2019):
Jackson Baer – Contemporary Suspense Thrillers
J.P. Barnett – Suspense/Horror Thrillers
Patrick Canning – Literary/Contemporary Adventure
Taya DeVere – Literary/Women’s Fiction
D.M. Earley – Suspense Fiction
Teri Fink – Historical and Literary Fiction
Carmen Kemp – Literary/Women’s Fiction
Chris Krupa – Crime Thrillers, Mystery/Detective
A.K. Kuykendall – Conspiracy Thrillers, Horror, Science Fiction
Jason LaVelle – Suspense Thrillers, Paranormal
Melsa M. Manton – Science Fiction/Psychological Thrillers
Richard Robbins – Contemporary/Literary Sagas
Daryl Rothman – Literary Suspense, Young Adult Fantasy

We welcome all of these authors, who add to the rich environment here at EP.

Be sure to stay tuned to this blog, and to SUBCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER, to remain up-to-date on all the exciting book releases we have coming your way. We hope you’ll also follow us on FACEBOOK and TWITTER.

As always, thank you so much for your support. Without you, there would be no us. Feel free to contact us any time at Admin@EvolvedPub.com.