Audrey Kowalevicz

Audrey Kowalevicz

Translator I was born and raised in the Northeast of France, and moved to the beautiful region of Wallonia, Belgium, with my family when I was 15. When I started learning English at 11, I knew at once I wanted to become a translator. I studied Multicultural...
Mishael Witty

Mishael Witty

    Editor-Inactive For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved the written word. I loved having stories read to me when I was a very young child. Once I was able to read on my own I was very rarely seen without a book in my hand. I started writing my own...
Ana Popielnicki

Ana Popielnicki

Translations Manager I was born and raised in the Dominican Republic, land of beautiful beaches, sugar cane and coffee, rum and baseball—all of which I love. My lifetime relationship with books began at around age 4 (True! I did already know how to read by then!), and...
John Cardinal

John Cardinal

Artist John Cardinal enjoys drawing with his kids, reading comics, and living near the ocean. He has a BFA from Montserrat in Illustration, and has worked professionally as an illustrator and graphic designer for the past 12 years. His work runs the gamut, from...
Megan Harris

Megan Harris

    Editor-Inactive Growing up, I was the girl in class with her nose stuck in a book. I flew through them at a hungry pace and daydreamed of the many worlds authors described in their novels. My love for the written word translated into developing a...
Mallory Rock

Mallory Rock

Artist My first work of art was strategically placed footprints on a boring white wall at the age of 2. By 8, I had already won my first fine artist award. Since then, I’ve designed professional websites, business cards, web graphics, vehicle & store ad graphics,...