About the Editor:


Philip A. Lee

…Helping Authors Make Their Work Shine…

Some say I was born with a red pen in my hand, so it’s no surprise that my penchant for words and stories ultimately led to a career in writing and editing.

My literary tastes vary, but I largely gravitate toward genre fiction. I’ll read anything sci-fi, fantasy, horror, western, and so forth. Some of my favorite contemporary authors are Dan Simmons, Chuck Wendig, David Brin, George R. R. Martin, and John Scalzi.

One of my passions besides writing and editing is the gaming industry. In addition to having a love for games of all kinds—card games, board games, miniatures games, etc.—I’ve also contributed writing, editing, and game design to a number of different game lines over the years.

Featured Books Edited by
Philip A. Lee

(Boxed Set 1-3)

Dystopian / Social Issues /
Young Adult Sci-Fi

Dirt and Stars – Book 3.5

Life is full of possibilities—opportunities denied those deemed unfit for life in space. The unintelligent, the diseased, the mentally unstable, and the criminal—all who have been rejected by the Space Service—are condemned to live their lives on dirt, a planet everyone knows but no one mentions.

3 extraordinary books in one boxed set.

From Review by NYT Bestselling Author Kevin J. Anderson (ETERNITY’S MIND):
“DOWN TO DIRT is YA hard science fiction with an attitude, full of technical details as engaging as the characters. I was immediately drawn into the story.”

From Review by NYT Bestselling Author Dayton Ward (STAR TREK: HEADLONG FLIGHT):
Life on Dirt is jam-packed with indelible characters and lush prose that makes you think of such top-tier ‘coming of age’ tales as The Dark Beyond the Stars and The Testament of Jessie Lamb, and the kind of tech-heavy and often biting first-person narrative that might make Andy Weir smile.”

From Review by Author Keith R.A. Candido, Author of Novels in “Star Trek,” “Supernatural,” “Sleepy Hollow,” and More:
“Kevin Killiany’s delightfully immersive writing sucks you right into the characters, their situation, their location, and their lives. A most compelling read.”


Fantasy / Sci-Fi /
Young Adult

The land-dwelling Erdlanders don’t know about her.

The amphibious Sualwets reject and resent her.

Serafay is anomaly, an unwanted outcast from both worlds. Fearing the people who tortured and experimented on her mother’s waterborne race, Sera remains hidden and isolated, feeling like she doesn’t belong. When she meets a stranger, Tor, another misfit like herself, Sera realizes that she’s not alone, finally discovering a sense of home. With the war between the Erdlanders and Sualwets escalating, will Sera and Tor ever be safe from the dangers surrounding them?


Dystopian / Science Fiction

Jakkattu – Book 1.1

They came as saviors to a deteriorating Earth.

The Jakkattu Vector is the first book in a saga that ultimately becomes a metaphor of humanity itself as it struggles to find its role in a world where humans are defective, aliens are taken into slavery, and priests engage in cruel genetic experiments. With Jakkattu, Ms. Tyler has created a new genre where she takes old traditions and myths and projects them onto a future, that, despite its high technology, it’s still polluted by slavery, prejudice, and exploitation. Her strong world building is made even more extraordinary by the exquisite detail and attention in creating new people and cultures.” ~ Midwest Book Review

“This wonderful epic book really deserves to be a bestseller, and I really hope that a lot of teens read it. I am in my thirties and I am very picky about sci-fi books, mainly gravitating to the classics like Asimov, Heinlein, and Phillip K. Dick. The Jakkattu Vector has a lot of depth, so it may become a new classic. There are themes of identity, linguistics, prejudice, slavery, global warming, and stagnating culture. I recommend it for all sci-fi fans. Also, the characters are each unique and memorable.” ~ Diana in SC

All Books Edited by Philip A. Lee



Coming soon….