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Pinnacle Book Achievement Award –
Summer 2014 – Category: Thriller

Readers’ Favorite Book Reviews –
5-Star Review

Awesome Indies –
Approved – Thriller

Indie Book of the Day –
February 2018

UP AUTHORS Fiction Challenge –
2013 – Honorable Mention

The Kindle Book Review –
2012 Semi-Finalist
Perfect Bound / Softcover
ISBN: 1622539060
ISBN-13: 978-1-62253-906-2
6.14 x 9.21 x 0.7123 (1.084 Lbs)
318 Pages (22/carton)
Order in any quantity from 1 up.
List Price: $19.95

Purchase Link: FORGIVE ME, ALEX – Paperback via Ingram Direct
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Lane Diamond – Author
D.T. Conklin – Editor
D. Robert Pease – Cover Artist
Kevin Scollin – Audiobook Producer/Narrator
The Kindle Book Review: “This story affords us a look into the mind of a serial killer, and the tremendous strength of writing in this book makes that a terrifying experience. The writing is exceptional in that it propelled me into the story and into the minds of the main characters, as well as keeping me totally fixated on the story. The suspense and tension is this story is very palpable, and I found myself thinking about this story long after I had finished. The main characters of Tony and Mitchell are painted with such fine precision and depth, I could almost feel their presence while reading. The character of Frank Willow, the adopted Grandfather of Tony and Alex, is a richly defined character who contributes a great deal of emotion and compassion to the story. The other characters in this story are all unique and well defined, and successfully contribute to the sentiment, understanding, and underlying current of the story.”
Lex Allen, Reader’s Favorite International Book Awards: “With his first novel, Forgive Me, Alex, Lane Diamond has initiated a crime/suspense thriller series that exhibits many of the qualities that put the likes of Lee Child and James Patterson on the bestseller lists.”
Raven Reviewer: “Suck a rubber duck if you are not blown away by this dark psychological thriller. In a world where characters are as vital as in The Game of Thrones, the suspense had me on the edge of my seat and holding my breath for everyone involved. Neighboring Huntley, the setting is home to me, making this all the more twisted and real for me. If you love serial killers, red herrings, the thrill of the chase, and unpredictable endings, you are in for a treat. Methodically thorough, this book came together like a well-crafted puzzle. The word choice, though coarse, is meaningful and eloquent. The switching points of view and timelines were plot-driven, not pointless. The narrator made this story come alive. I loved all of the character voices. Well, I loved all of them except one. The author created such a vile creature in the serial killer that by the end of the book, I heard his voice and wanted to throw up. Authors should look to this as a great example of the use of an epilogue and cliffhanger. In short: mind blown.”
Ashley Fontaine, Author: “Stellar! ~ Psychological thrillers are my kind of books! Not only do I write them, but truly enjoy reading one that makes my skin crawl, my nerves skitter with fear and my heart thump a tad louder. This incredible novel by Lane Diamond handed me ALL of that, in spades!”
Anne B. Chaconas: “It scared the beejesus out of me. I LOVED it. ~ Diamond does in Forgive Me, Alex what I wish more contemporary authors would do: He brings me right into the story, forcing me to identify with the characters. I didn’t have a choice—I would feel Tony Hooper’s wrath and need for revenge. I would wallow in Mitchell Norton’s desperate inability to ward off his demons. I would cheer for Diana Gregorio’s unbelievable ballsiness in the face of seemingly unbeatable odds. I would weep, shedding actual tears, for Alex Hooper’s childhood.”
ALC: “Wowzer! Hold on tight. You’re in for a doozy of a ride! ~ This thriller hooked me from the very beginning and I found it near impossible to put it aside. I carried my kindle with me everywhere I went and when snatches of time presented itself, I pulled out the Kindle and read. I needed to know what was going to happen next despite some of the gruesome and more uncomfortable parts of the story (inside the mind of a serial killer). I found the story engrossing and the style of writing quite crisp, clean, and forthright.”
Renee Dillon: “Yes, I’m going to read it a third time. ~ One sentence and I was hooked… Of the many books I’ve read over the past 39 years, few have warranted a second read. However, I was so bent on getting to the end of Forgive Me, Alex—to find out if Tony received (or more accurately, sought out) the justice he so obviously deserved—that I had to go back and read it again to savor the masterful writing. You know what happened the second time around? I blew through it again, even knowing the ending.”
Mark Schafer: “Well worth a 5 star rating & more money than what I paid for it. ~ Hooked from page one & it was quite a struggle to put this one done. If you want to read a book that will stick with you long after you finish it, you need to read this one. Everything was so well described I could almost visualize the scenes.”
JMD: “Excellent cerebral thriller. ~ Forgive Me, Alex is a real page turner; it hooks you right from the first pages and doesn’t let go. Tony Hooper, the protagonist, is a character that is incredibly developed; the emotions you will feel for him are gut-wrenching at times. The flawless execution of the different POV’s, such as Hooper and the chilling antagonist, Mitchell Norton, really make the pace go. You climb inside the mind of the serial killer Norton, and though gruesome at times, the substance is much deeper than murder, and being in his mind is a terrifying experience; I hugged my loved ones often when reading it. The ending is satisfying as it sets up the sequel perfectly and I can’t wait to read it! If you like a heart-pounding, emotional, scary thriller, you need to read this.”