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Books have always been a part of my life. I started early on as a reader and would devour anything I could get my hands on, from non-fiction books to the many fantasy series I ended up falling in love with. When I went to West Chester University, I got my Bachelor’s in Literature.

From there, I became an author, working with a variety of different publishers, each one offering a unique experience. Collaborating with so many editors and experiencing what a difference they made on my work pushed me in the direction of turning my applied skills to freelance editing. As an editor, I’ve fallen in love with helping authors produce the best versions of their work possible.

In my free time, I have a penchant for board games, diner nights, and adventures.

Edited or Co-Edited by Kat McIntyre:

Deep Mud
Ty Spencer Vossler

A Family Fued
Texas Style
by Kent Swarts

A Savvy Way to Kill
Kent Swarts

The Texas Medicine
by Kent Swarts

Pioneer Passage
J.F. Collen