by Evolved Pub | May 29, 2021 | Blog
We felt pretty strongly after the release of Warden’s Reign by Parris Sheets that we might have a real winner on our hands. Well, with the release of Children of the Volcano, the second book in the “Essence of Ohr” series, we know it without doubt. The praise and...
by Evolved Pub | Nov 18, 2019 | Blog
Author Cagey Magee, creator of the newly released Cass and Wat (NorthWatch – Book 1), offers some insights into what inspired him to write these wonderful books. NOTE: The second book in the series, Cass and Logan, is currently in the final editing stage, and...
by Evolved Pub | Aug 18, 2014 | Blog
This 3-part (for now) series will soon move to Round 2. GUEST POST Author Jessica McHugh has dropped by to talk a little bit about her writing of Darla Decker Hates to Wait, the first book in the new young adult coming-of-age series called the Darla Decker Diairies....