Dream Warriors

Dream Warriors

In the dream world, not everyone is what they appear to be.

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  • WINNER: Pinnacle Book Achievement Award, Fall 2015 - Best Young Adult Fiction

Joseph Colafranceschi is a fifteen-year-old, self-described geek, living in the Bronx. The second youngest of twelve sons of the former U.S. ambassador to Italy, Joey discovers that a small Egyptian statuette, given to him by his father, endows him with power to control his dreams.

After his brothers throw him down a manhole, Joey is drawn into a hidden society of warriors who have been battling a reincarnated Egyptian Pharaoh for over 3,000 years. In the dream world, it’s impossible to tell who to trust. As Joey slips deeper into a world of gladiator battles and clandestine missions within other people’s dreams, he catches the eye of a beautiful Egyptian princess.

The only thing that keeps him grounded in reality is his best friend Alex, but even she may not be who he thought she was.

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Pinnacle Book Achievement Award


Pinnacle Book Achievement Award –
Fall 2015 – Best Young Adult Fiction




Perfect Bound / Softcover:

ISBN: 1622534158
ISBN-13: 978-1-62253-415-9
5 x 8 x 0.6124 (0.645 Lbs)
292 Pages (26/carton, but you can order in any quantity from 1 up)
List Price: $14.95


This book is available EXCLUSIVELY through Evolved Publishing and the Author. If you’re interested in obtaining a copy of this paperback personally autographed by the author, please  EMAIL US HERE, and we’ll contact the author on your behalf to see about arranging that for you. Just provide us the necessary details in your email.



D. Robert Pease – Author & Cover Artist
William Hampton – Assistant Editor
Lane Diamond – Senior Editor & Interior Designer
David Radtke – Audiobook Producer/Narrator

Series: Joey Cola, Book 1
Genres: 3.99 eBooks, Coming-of-Age, Fantasy > Urban, Fantasy > Young Adult, Young Adult
Tags: Audiobook, eBook, Paperback, Spotify, Superfan Special
Publisher: Evolved Publishing
Publication Year: 2014
Format: Paperback, eBook, Audiobook
Length: 64,616 Words
Narrator: David Radtke
ISBN: 9781622534142
List Price: $14.95 Paperback (Only Available Directly from Author)
eBook Price: $3.99
Audiobook Price: $10.95 (May Be Adjusted By Retailers)
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