Children of the Volcano

Children of the Volcano

With the people cursed by a god—forever doomed—Kole enters their stronghold to seek the heart of the volcano.

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  • WINNER: Pinnacle Book Achievement Award, Summer 2021 – Best Young Adult Fantasy

Children of the Volcano is filled with mystery and a beguilingly rich magic system, a dark allure that keeps the narrative tense, and a masterly example of the elements of epic fantasy.” ~ Readers’ Favorite Book Reviews, Jose Cornelio (5 STARS)

Feathered Quill says: “Captivating is an understatement. This series has rightfully carved its niche beside some of the most popular YA’s written. I see an “Ohr” theme park in our future. Bravo!”

Peace has returned to Kole’s city, yet day by day, the world dies. Only the gods can return balance to Ohr. Kole has already found one, Russé, his mentor. Together they decipher the cryptic map in Kole’s head to locate the others, but they aren’t the only ones searching for the gods.

Tailed by the enemy, the trail leads to a volcano in a forsaken land, with winds of swirling ash, toxic fumes, and creatures of living stone. Kole and Russé will discover why the grounds are rumored to be cursed, why no human has set foot near the volcano in centuries, and just how much grit they’ll need if they hope to reach the god first.

“There is a cinematic quality to the narrative and the way this story is written. It is perfect and incredibly entertaining.” ~ Readers’ Favorite Book Reviews, Rabia Tanveer (5 STARS)

“Coming-of-age in fantasyland can’t be executed any better. This story is well-imagined, cleverly plotted, and written to perfection.” ~ Readers’ Favorite Book Reviews, Ruffina Oserio (5 STARS)

Other Books in "Essence of Ohr"
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Readers’ Favorite Book Reviews – 5 STARS (x3):
Young Adult – Fantasy – Epic


Pinnacle Book Achievement Award


Pinnacle Book Achievement Award – Summer 2021 –
Best Young Adult Fantasy




Perfect Bound / Softcover:

ISBN: 1622539655X
ISBN-13: 978-1-62253-655-9
6.14 x 9.21 x 0.6398 (0.972 Lbs)
284 Pages (26/carton, but you can order in any quantity from 1 up)
List Price: $18.95


To order a $18.95 paperback (we’ll add $5 for shipping & handling) AUTOGRAPHED BY THE AUTHOR, please click on the Buy Now button, and use PayPal or a major credit card.



Parris Sheets – Author
Darren Todd – Editor
Sam Keiser – Cover Artist
Lane Diamond – Interior Designer
Darren Todd – Audiobook Producer/Narrator

Series: Essence of Ohr, Book 2
Genres: 4.99 eBooks, Fantasy > Young Adult, Young Adult
Tags: Audiobook, Autographed Paperback, eBook, Paperback, Spotify, Superfan Special
Publisher: Evolved Publishing
Publication Year: 2021
Format: Paperback, eBook, Audiobook
Length: 102,398 Words
Narrator: Darren Todd
ISBN: 9781622536559
List Price: $18.95 Paperback (May Be Discounted By Retailers)
eBook Price: $4.99
Audiobook Price: $14.95 Audiobook List Price (May Be Adjusted By Retailers)

“When people complain about sequels (whether it be in response to movies or books), those complaints are usually correct. But... stop the presses! Children of the Volcano is one of the very few that deserves absolute praise and not a hint of complaint. Yes, we are talking about a writer who has put together a tremendously well-written, action-packed sequel. (Go figure, right?)

“As a reader, it’s quite easy to say that the author writes with a passion that is equal to the creator of Potter and other YA series’ that inflame the imagination. It’s no surprise why Parris Sheets has won awards for this series already, and there’s no doubt she will win many more. Her ability to write about things like restoring life to a cursed, embattled horse to the journeys and emotions of vivid characters like Felix, Aterus, Vienna, and so many more, is phenomenal. You not only can ‘feel’ every step that’s taken in this book, you can visualize every moment. Throughout the entirety of the two books written thus far, you feel like you’re watching them play out on the big screen. All that’s left to say is, hopefully, the ‘big screen’ is where the ‘Essence of Ohr’ series ends up. (Are you hearing me, Hollywood?)

“It has been stated that Book 3 of this series, Beyond the Flame, will be released in 2022. That’s the good news. Bad news is having to wait until then to once again dive into a YA masterpiece that provides over-the-top, fantastical characters, plots and scenes from beginning to end.”

This novel is well-plotted and written in clear and beautiful prose. It is crisp and very descriptive, with images of a world that seems to abide by its unique magical rules and that features all kinds of creatures, including the gods, sorcerers, and beasts. Parris Sheets writes a plot that is labyrinthine and twisty, with surprises stacked along the rollicking adventure. The complexity in character development is one of the traits that kept my eyes focused on the pages. The dialogues are well-crafted and they constitute a powerful ingredient that moves the plot forward. Children of the Volcano is filled with mystery and a beguilingly rich magic system, a dark allure that keeps the narrative tense, and a masterly example of the elements of epic fantasy.

I love a good, fast-paced, action-driven plot. Parris Sheets starts Children of the Volcano with a bang, creates action from the first chapter, and hooks for more. The companionship and the partnership between Russé and Kole is the driving force of the story. The two of them work together; they support each other and respect each other. Kole looks up to Russé as a god and mentor, while Russé is exceptionally proud of Kole’s leadership and intelligence. The actual plot is brilliant. The chase to release gods, find them, unite them and save the world is a trope that we have read quite often, but not like this. There is a cinematic quality to the narrative and the way this story is written. It is perfect and incredibly entertaining. I cannot wait to read the next novel in the series.

Coming-of-age in fantasyland can’t be executed any better. This story is well-imagined, cleverly plotted, and written to perfection. I was pulled in by the descriptive opening and from the moment I opened the book, I knew that this author has a unique gift for strong imagery and I was not wrong. Parris Sheets creates strong images in the reader’s mind, from the detailed elements of the setting to well-crafted scenes that are packed with action and enriched by exciting dialogues. The characters are well-developed and fully drawn, and readers will want to follow them through every one of their adventures and predicaments — Leo and his pet, Piper, Felix, Mikal, and others. Children of the Volcano is brimming with action and it is a tale with conflict that is deftly handled. It was hypnotic for me.

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