Jessica West

Jessica West

    The Reader…. My love of reading started early, before I can remember, but my obsession began with R.L. Stine’s Goosebumps books. In my teens, I graduated to Clive Barker, to my mom’s dismay. One year, a copy of his Books of Blood was all I wanted...
Brandon Sanford

Brandon Sanford

    I have loved books since I was too young to remember, my love of books a folktale itself, one told by my mother at family gatherings. I have dim impressions of my mother recounting the stories of The Iliad and The Odyssey, spinning them from memory like...
Mirna Pache

Mirna Pache

Translator I´m from northwest of the state of São Paulo, in Brazil. I lived there until I turned nineteen, after finishing high school at the Instituto Americano de Lins. At that point I moved to São Paulo, the capital, and started working with different humanitarian...
Lina Rivera

Lina Rivera

    I caught the writing bug early on in elementary school after my teacher showed me how to make my own book. Excited by this idea, I ran home and made my first picture book on notebook paper and bound with yarn. I majored in creative writing at the...
Sue Fairchild

Sue Fairchild

    Editor-Inactive I read almost anything I could get my hands on as a kid. Any genre held my attention if the writing was good. I longed to be an author who could put words together in such a way to make people lose all sense of time and space. When I...
Daiki Sasaki

Daiki Sasaki

Artist Daiki is a true global citizen, having graduated from fine art school in Japan. His work has taken him across diverse mediums traversing illustration and graphic design. With more than three decades of illustration behind him, his style is as diverse as the...