In a future where Earth has been wiped clean of all life, and humanity has moved on to other worlds, twelve-year-old Noah Zarc and his family have embarked on a quest, in a time-traveling spaceship called the ARC, to retrieve two of every animal and repopulate a dead world.
This Middle Grade/YA crossover series of science fiction adventures is complete at 1 short story prequel and 3 novels. It also features a boxed set with exclusive black-and-white illustrations.
0.1: NOAH ZARC: ROSWELL INCIDENT – What really happened on July 14, 1947 outside of Roswell, New Mexico? Did an alien spaceship crash, only to be confiscated by the U.S. government?
1: NOAH ZARC: MAMMOTH TROUBLE – Can Noah Zarc stop Earth from being destroyed… a second time?
2: NOAH ZARC: CATACLYSM – Is Noah Zarc responsible for the destruction of Earth… a thousand years before his birth?
3: NOAH ZARC: DECLARATION – Can Noah Zarc keep peace across the solar system… even if it means starting a war?
3.5: NOAH ZARC OMNIBUS/BOXED SET – Includes not only the short story and all 3 novels, but also 22 fantastic, exclusive black and white illustrations.