Fresh News Straight from Heaven

Fresh News Straight from Heaven

In a desperate act of faith, Johnny Appleseed promises the people that he can save them. Thus, he dashes off on a midnight run, seeking to spread peace across a land on the brink of war. With so many lives at stake, Johnny must confront the ultimate test of his convictions.

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  • WINNER: Pinnacle Book Achievement Award - Summer 2018 - Best Novel

“I happen to believe that genius makes people weird,” a storyteller once said, explaining how Johnny Appleseed could be at once so peculiar and so profound.

Between 1801 and 1812, Ohio and the Old Northwest territory runs wild and brutal, with a fragile peace, savage living conditions, and the laws of civilization far away. Still, settlers stake everything they own on the chance of building better lives for themselves in this new frontier. John Chapman—aka Johnny Appleseed—knows this land better than any white man. Everywhere he goes, he shares the “Fresh News Straight from Heaven,” which he hears right from the voices of angels who chat with him regularly. God had promised him personally that he could build peace by growing fruit.

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Pinnacle Book Achievement Award –
Summer 2018 – Best Novel




Perfect Bound / Softcover:

ISBN: 1622535073
ISBN-13: 978-1-62253-507-1
6.14 x 9.21 x 0.7882 (1.180 Lbs)
382 Pages (20/carton)
List Price: $18.95


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Gregg Sapp – Author
Lane Diamond – Editor, Interior Designer
Richard Tran – Cover Artist

Author: Gregg Sapp
Genres: 5.99 eBooks, Historical, Literary
Tags: eBook, Paperback
Publisher: Evolved Publishing
Publication Year: 2017
Format: Paperback, eBook
Length: 138,109 Words + Bonus Material
ISBN: 9781622535071
List Price: $18.95 Paperback (May Be Discounted By Retailers)
eBook Price: $5.99

"Johnny Appleseed told many a good yarn about his life and times. He would like this book."

– Howard Means, Author of "Johnny Appleseed: The Man, the Myth, the American Story" (S&S, 2011)

"Fresh News [Straight from Heaven] is as fresh as today, filled with the flavor and plain frontier talk of the Western Reserve. It’s unmissable."

Publisher's Note: In a separate article (, they named this one of the best local books of 2018.

"Having grown up with the folklore offerings of Walt Disney, I was a big fan of the frontiersman, pirates and cowboys and Indians depicted on productions on the Mickey Mouse Club and Wonderful World of Color TV shows. Like the author Gregg Sapp, I also have Ohio roots, and this book takes place mostly in Ohio, where folk hero and pioneering environmentalist Johnny Appleseed spent his adult life, planting apple trees and spreading the message of Swedenborgian Christianity through the forests of 1800-1820 Ohio territory.

"Having been covered so often in children's literature, here finally is an "adult" version of the Johnny Appleseed folk tale... an entertaining and insightful look at an important and somewhat overlooked chapter of American history, and a fine contribution to American historical fiction."

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